day moon rising
Nominated for the 2013 Acorn-Plantos Award for People’s Poetry

“An evocative and compelling book, it masterfully details the beauty and harsh reality of Cambodia past and present. It celebrates the daily lives of its citizens and those who work with its most vulnerable.”
-Blaine Marchand, Poet, CIDA – First Secretary, Development, Islamabad

“This is Carter's fourth book of poems and Terry Ann Carter puts her money where her mouth is and her heart on her sleeve in this touching book of poems. Constructed in equal measure from both haiku and free verse poems that compliment each other. Carter never lets style or structure dictate content but clearly has an agenda in mind as she gives voice to a part of the world she has come to love. Carter is closely associated with the Tabitha Foundation for humanitarian work and these poems reflect those concerns.  But the poetry is never a forced polemic, there is no proselytizing here.”
-Michael Dennis,

Black Moss Press | May 2012 | 5.75 x 8.75 inches | 72 pages | 978-0-88753-499-7 | $17.00
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