
deep breath: a book of haiku evolutions
edited Terry Ann Carter
“The nature of a poem to which we give birth is unpredictable. Once in a while, it emerges perfectly formed and functional and can go out into the world with no doctoring. More often, it has the steady glow of life, but needs corrective surgery, either for a blocked heart or a broken limb. Most likely, however, it sparks briefly then flutters out and no effort will resuscitate its flicker. You'll find examples of all three births inside—and more.” 
-George Swede, cofounder of Haiku Canada and former editor of Frogpond

Leaf Press | May 2017 | 4.5 x 7 inches | 84 pages | 978-1-988811-00-0 | $12.00
Available through Leaf Press and Amazon